in this page are various essays (ish) i write, mostly my thoughts on various cultural and historical phenomena. they are only as well sourced as i can be bothered to make them, which is probably poor. sorry. check out daughters of bilitis (button in the 'explore' page) for a more academic perspective to this sort of thing.
girlbossing too close to the sun: how feminism lost
why is britain so shit?
'gold star' lesbians and survivor's guilt
the fake discipline - a deep dive into psychohistory
a evolutionary perspective on why you're dead inside
the yassification of sex work
the fermi paradox (and why i can't sleep at night)
nostalgia and misrememberence; or,'the good old days' in history
lesbian nuns
who burned - an analysis on the witch hunts of england and their victims
the oxyrhynchus papyri and whi i love them
making menstrual history - 3,000 years of periods
booktok and the long, long history of romance fiction
why do we still love pride and prejudice?
will the revolution ever come?